Christine N. Schnarr Chiarello,
I provide the information and materials on this website for informational purposes only and they do not constitute legal or tax advice. I intend for this website to be accurate and up-to-date and to comply with all applicable legal and ethical requirements, but I do
not guarantee it. You should not take anything on this website as an indication of future results.
Any blog posts, articles, news flashes or similar materials that I post on this website are offered only for general informational and educational purposes. I do not offer them as and they do not constitute legal advice or legal opinions. The facts and context of your legal matters are unique; because of this, you should not act or rely on any information in this website without first seeking the advice of an attorney, whether you choose me as that attorney or someone else.
I may use hyperlinks to other Internet resources in this website. These links are provided to help you find additional information that may interest you. By including these links, I am not stating or implying that I agree with, sponsor, am affiliated or associated with, or am legally authorized to use any information, trade name, registered trademark, logo, or copyrighted symbol or material that may be reflected in the links or included on the associated website.
My provision of information on or through this website is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver. In particular, sending an email request for information does not create an attorney-client relationship, so you should not send me via email any information or facts relating to your legal matter until we have formalized such a relationship by exchanging signed copies of my engagement letter. You have no obligation to retain me as your lawyer, and I have no obligation to accept you as my client.
If you contact me through this website or, if you are already my client, you email me about a new matter, remember that email may not be secure, and there is a risk that your email may be intercepted illegally and/or that you have waived any attorney-client privilege and/or work product privilege that may otherwise have attached to your communication.
This website contains information about my career experience and qualifications. In some places, this and other information on this website may be considered advertising. Hiring me as your attorney is an important decision and you should not base it solely on written information about me, whether you find that information on this website or elsewhere.
To the extent the state bar rules in your jurisdiction require me to designate a principal office and an attorney responsible for the webpage set, Christine N. Schnarr Chiarello, Attorney at Law LLC designates its office in New Hope, Pennsylvania, USA as its principal office and Christine Chiarello as the attorney responsible for the webpage set.